William J. Peltier
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People will always organize objects in artful ways.
People will always be drawn to experiencing artfully organized objects.

OOc - Object-Oriented Composition

OOc creates music that is an organization of various individual units called objects. This method is in contrast to the traditional method of composition in which music is created using procedural processes; that is, it proceeds from one point in time to another.

The Toolkit of Design Concepts:
  • Inheritance
  • Levels of Variation
  • Reusability
  • Transparency
  • Addition and Truncation
  • Encapsulation
  • Directionality and Stasis
  • Parameterization
  • Polymorphism
  • Nesting
A Definition
  • 4BPS = Four Basic Properties of Sound: pitch, timbre, dynamic, duration (of course, these properties are not mutually exclusive)
Inheritance (Classes of Objects)
Objects that are similar with respect to their 4BPS are said to be in the same class. Inheritance refers to the way in which objects can be identified within their class.

Two Levels of Variation
Micro Variation: a variation of one or more of the 4BPS of an object to such a small degree that the result is still perceived to be the same object.
In-Class Variation: a variation of one or more of the 4BPS of an object to such a degree that it should be interpreted as a new object. However, the resultant object bears enough similarities to the original object that it can be perceived as an object within the same class.

The repetition of objects or classes of objects is a common compositional technique.
Objects are not ‘developed’.

Objects are perceivable to the listener.
Objects are not hidden within an unperceivable compositional structure.

Addition and Truncation
This involves the adding of a prefix and/or suffix to an object. It also may involve the truncating of a prefix and/or suffix from an object.

This term interprets objects as if they were in a capsule. Just as elements of an object are packaged together within the capsule, they can also be broken apart from the capsule. This enables some elements to be revealed and other elements to be hidden at certain times during the music.

Directionality and Stasis
If there is an incremental and regular change within one or more of the 4BPS, either within an object or within repetitions of an object (or class of objects), then directionality is occurring in the music.
If there is no incremental and regular change within the 4BPS, either within an object or within repetitions of an object (or class of objects), then the music is in a state of stasis.

An object or class of objects is broken down into parameters. With these parameters, various combinations and permutations are constructed as source material for the music.

(Greek word meaning ‘many forms’)
An object within different contexts can be perceived in different and new ways.

This is the positioning of objects within one another.

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©, William Peltier
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©, William J. Peltier, 2005